Semalam yang berlalu meninggalkan kita bersama kenangan.Tanpa disedari atau tidak 2008 semakin dipenghujungnya.Pasti ada banyak kenangan semalam yang mengisi diari 2008.Tanpa kita sedar atau tidak usia kita bertambah dan bagi sesiapa yang dapat melaksanakan azam 2008,syabas diucapkan.Buat yang masih belum berjaya,diharapkan tahun sepan mampu melestarikan impian semalam bersama azam semangat baru untuk tahun-tahun mendatang.
Sesunguhnya kita tidak dapat lari daripada ketentuan takdir,Ada yang diari 2008 dihiasi kisah duka lantaran kehilangan orang tercinta sama ada ibu,bapa,saudara ataupun kekasih hati.Banyak-banyak la bersabar menempuhi dugaan hidup,kata orang bumi mana yang tak ditimpa hujan,lautan mana yang tidak bergelora,tabahkan hati kuatkan azam,semoga hari-hari mendatang ada sinar bahagia untuk kita nikmati.Setiap yang pahit pasti ader manisnya.Mungkin ada hati yang terluka angkara sidia yang tak setia.Takperlah,kita terimalah ketentuan itu dengan hati yang redha.Carilah kebahagiaan hakiki dengan menjadikan kisah semalam yang pahit buat teladan.Moga kisah duka tidak lagi menghiasi diari hidup.Aspirasi dan semangat untuk meneruskan perjuangan mampu mencetuskan titik permulaan buat menyemai benih-benih bahagia yang bisa kita nikmati pada penghujungnya nanti dengan berkat kurniaan illahi,Insyallah..
Buat mereka yang mencatatkan memori bahagia ditahun 2008,mudah-mudahan kebahagiaan yangdimiliki berkekalan hendaknya.Bajai dan suburkanlah kasih yang berbunga itu dengan kejujuran,kesetiaan dan perasaan tolak ansur untuk memastikan kesinambungan kisah bahagia kekal hingga keakhirnya.Belajarlah untuk menghargai dengan apa yang kita miliki.Jangan kita sesiakannya yang akhirnya mengundang kisah duka.sesal dan kecewa andai bahagia yang kita miliki hari ini bernoktah tanpa kerelaan.
Buat teman-teman sekalian,terima kasih yang tak terhingga diatas kesudian berkongsi kisah suka dan duka korang.Aku juga nak ucapkan bebanyak terima kasih diatas bantuan nasihat yang korang berikan dekat aku,realy apperciate it.
At last i wish my friend and everyone outhere a very "Happy New Year"
Farid Johari
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
last week flow..
last week nyer flow not so good raya haji at Johor,drive back from johor sampai ptg ngan jalan jem kat seremban..its killing me..then next day ready for werk..
talk bout werk lak,me ok la,cume x ngam werking dgn my new boss..(lady)..chinese from penang..huhuhu..dah la sombong..observe she knows everything..At last kena gak mase board meeting ngan my colleague..well she deserve it..
currently tgh demam and flu so not feeling well,need more rest,rest and rest.. hurm now thinking for chrismast holiday and planning what to do on that day,mybe just hangout with all my frenz..
suggestion anyone..
things to do B4 Chrismasts
talk bout werk lak,me ok la,cume x ngam werking dgn my new boss..(lady)..chinese from penang..huhuhu..dah la sombong..observe she knows everything..At last kena gak mase board meeting ngan my colleague..well she deserve it..
currently tgh demam and flu so not feeling well,need more rest,rest and rest.. hurm now thinking for chrismast holiday and planning what to do on that day,mybe just hangout with all my frenz..
suggestion anyone..
things to do B4 Chrismasts
- dye my hair..what colour ek..brown,red,higlight blue hurm..etc..
- buy shoes..
- dress to wear
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008

haa.. setelah 24 tahun,akhirnya aku dcide nak buat potrait gmbr aku,aku x tau la gmbr ni sama x ngan aku,tp member aku cakap cute lak aku..hew..hew..
aku cakap biasa jer,gmbr ni xder warna,aku x ltak la..nanti aku ltak la warna,still in proses,tp aku ucapkan terima kasih la kat brother tu yg baik hti melukiskan gmbr aku tanpa dikenakan sebarang bayaran,aku ingat nak bg dier lukis gmbr aku yg lain..walaupun mengambil masa sepuluh minit,tp hasilnya bgtu memuaskan..thanks again aku ucapkan kat that brother yg sanggup mluangkan masa untuk aku
Monday, November 24, 2008
Pening..Pening.. 24 november - First thing aku wake up jer dah rasa pening2,ditambah lak ngan hujan yang sepoi-sepoi bahasa..Lg la malas rasanyer nak bangun gi kerja,tp disebabkan hari nie aku kena report kat my director terpaksala bgn awal,so aku wake around 7.30 today..Feed my cat,then take my bath..go out by 8.30..gosh jalan jam..reach office just nice around 9.30..
Sampai jer office,aku grab sandwich kat pantry..lapar giler lew.. in the meanttime aku tgh have breakfast,i prepare all document to before submit kat my director..ok la till then now its oledy 10.30..nak pi meeting nie..x tau la pukul brapa abis..hew..hew..
will update u all later..chiow..
Sampai jer office,aku grab sandwich kat pantry..lapar giler lew.. in the meanttime aku tgh have breakfast,i prepare all document to before submit kat my director..ok la till then now its oledy 10.30..nak pi meeting nie..x tau la pukul brapa abis..hew..hew..
will update u all later..chiow..
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
short Update
Kisah Hidup Ku....
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang,suka membuatkan kita dalam keadaan teruji. Selalunya orang yang kita sayang,suka membuatkan kita terkeliru. Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terluka. Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terkilan. Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan tahap kesabaran kita menipis. Dan selalunya orang yang kita sayang,suka hadir bila memerlukan dan pergi tanpa meninggalkan pesan........
Bergitulah Hidup ku.... FARID....
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I lied..
No..I honestly didn't mean to
No..I don't regret that I came out clean and clarified things
No..I don't wanna be punished for telling you the truth
No..I didn't do anything bad behind ur back
No..I will never embarras u as your boyfriend
No..I don't want u to have doubts in me
No..I will never do it again because,
No..I don't ever EVER wanna lose you
Yes..It felt shitty having to keep u in the dark
Yes..I feel damn guilty about it
Yes..I am truly truly sorry
Yes..I shall do whatever it takes to make it up to u
Yes..I hope you've forgiven me
Yes..I promise to try my very best to be a good boyfriend
Yes..I assure u my words because,
Yes..I love you with all my heart
No..I don't regret that I came out clean and clarified things
No..I don't wanna be punished for telling you the truth
No..I didn't do anything bad behind ur back
No..I will never embarras u as your boyfriend
No..I don't want u to have doubts in me
No..I will never do it again because,
No..I don't ever EVER wanna lose you
Yes..It felt shitty having to keep u in the dark
Yes..I feel damn guilty about it
Yes..I am truly truly sorry
Yes..I shall do whatever it takes to make it up to u
Yes..I hope you've forgiven me
Yes..I promise to try my very best to be a good boyfriend
Yes..I assure u my words because,
Yes..I love you with all my heart
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Be Thankful.. Farid
Today, i cried my heart out driving my way to work thinking how messed up my life is at the moment. just as i thought id be relieved of 3-quart of my burden by end of this month..another 1 and a half arisen! why oh why? car insurance-credit cards-bills bills bills..i should've known not to idly applied to get a taste of debts! itu lah..gatal namanye! orang kata jangan, degil!
No matter how much Im at debt or had deeply dug my own shithole, I still hav the people I love around me-to kiss me better n to turn to,I still hav the option of favourite restaurants to buka puasa in, I still hav my car to drive to work, still hav my comfy bed n pillow to slump in tonight, hav a job with a company which is generous enough to give occasional bonus to help me with my debts-despite self-proclaimed authorised colleague to share my workplace with (I can always see it all as a form of entertainment, kan?), no matter how much I'm owing the banks, I can still spare some money to burn for fun (ciggies!) =( ..and I can't help but wonder, after all that God has shown us of The Mighty's ability to take it all away within a blink of an eye..why do we still need to see more disasters n tragedy to be reminded that we shouldn't be questioning our luck and be thankful of what we have instead?
now i feel shitty for complaining too much, but at least-we can all learn from my mistake..kan?Let's say our Alhamdulillah and minimise as much on unnecessaries..
Ya Allah, please provide much help and shelter for the needy..jauhkan kami dari bala' n waba'..Amin
No matter how much Im at debt or had deeply dug my own shithole, I still hav the people I love around me-to kiss me better n to turn to,I still hav the option of favourite restaurants to buka puasa in, I still hav my car to drive to work, still hav my comfy bed n pillow to slump in tonight, hav a job with a company which is generous enough to give occasional bonus to help me with my debts-despite self-proclaimed authorised colleague to share my workplace with (I can always see it all as a form of entertainment, kan?), no matter how much I'm owing the banks, I can still spare some money to burn for fun (ciggies!) =( ..and I can't help but wonder, after all that God has shown us of The Mighty's ability to take it all away within a blink of an eye..why do we still need to see more disasters n tragedy to be reminded that we shouldn't be questioning our luck and be thankful of what we have instead?
now i feel shitty for complaining too much, but at least-we can all learn from my mistake..kan?Let's say our Alhamdulillah and minimise as much on unnecessaries..
Ya Allah, please provide much help and shelter for the needy..jauhkan kami dari bala' n waba'..Amin
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