Monday, December 28, 2009

~Coretan kenangan 2009~

Semalam yang berlalu meninggalkan kita bersama kenangan.Tanpa disedari atau tidak 2009 semakin dipenghujungnya.Pasti ada banyak kenangan semalam yang mengisi diari 2009.Tanpa kita sedar atau tidak usia kita bertambah dan bagi sesiapa yang dapat melaksanakan azam 2009,syabas diucapkan.Buat yang masih belum berjaya,diharapkan tahun depan mampu melestarikan impian semalam bersama azam semangat baru untuk tahun-tahun mendatang.

Sesunguhnya kita tidak dapat lari daripada ketentuan takdir,Ada yang diari 2009 dihiasi kisah duka lantaran kehilangan orang tercinta sama ada ibu,bapa,saudara ataupun kekasih hati.Banyak-banyak la bersabar menempuhi dugaan hidup,kata orang bumi mana yang tak ditimpa hujan,lautan mana yang tidak bergelora,tabahkan hati kuatkan azam,semoga hari-hari mendatang ada sinar bahagia untuk kita nikmati.Setiap yang pahit pasti ader manisnya.Mungkin ada hati yang terluka angkara sidia yang tak setia.Takperlah,kita terimalah ketentuan itu dengan hati yang redha.Carilah kebahagiaan hakiki dengan menjadikan kisah semalam yang pahit buat teladan.Moga kisah duka tidak lagi menghiasi diari hidup.Aspirasi dan semangat untuk meneruskan perjuangan mampu mencetuskan titik permulaan buat menyemai benih-benih bahagia yang bisa kita nikmati pada penghujungnya nanti dengan berkat kurniaan illahi,Insyallah..

Buat mereka yang mencatatkan memori bahagia ditahun 2009,mudah-mudahan kebahagiaan yang dimiliki berkekalan hendaknya.Bajai dan suburkanlah kasih yang berbunga itu dengan kejujuran,kesetiaan dan perasaan tolak ansur untuk memastikan kesinambungan kisah bahagia kekal hingga keakhirnya.Belajarlah untuk menghargai dengan apa yang kita miliki.Jangan kita sesiakannya yang akhirnya mengundang kisah duka.sesal dan kecewa andai bahagia yang kita miliki hari ini bernoktah tanpa kerelaan.

Buat teman-teman sekalian,terima kasih yang tak terhingga diatas kesudian berkongsi kisah suka dan duka korang.Aku juga nak ucapkan bebanyak terima kasih diatas bantuan nasihat yang korang berikan dekat aku,realy apperciate it.

At last i wish my friend and everyone outhere a very "Happy New Year"


Farid Johari

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Starting time : 1 p.m
Name : Farid Johari
Sisters : 3
Brothers : 2
Shoe size : 9
Height : 171 cm
Where do you live : Kuala Lumpur
Home sweet home : Seputeh
Favourite drinks : Plain Water,Mocha Rhumba,Apple Bacardi
Favourite breakfast: Simple and Light


Been on a plane : Yup
Swam in the ocean without jacket: yes
Fallen asleep in school : Yup..hehehe
Broken someone's heart : I don’t know,if yes sorry gurlzz,But im always broken hearted..s
Fell off your chair: : yup2..
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: hehe yesss...
Saved e-mails : yup


Chicken pox : those days..
Sore throat :yup..
Stitches : yup


Believe in love at first sight: yes
Like picnics : depends


You danced with :My friends
Last made you smile: afsha
You last yelled at :no one
Best feeling in the world :happy? love? ~sigh~
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: My Kungfu Panda,bugs bunny and Pink Panther
What's under your bed : Nuttin.
Who do you really hate: Liars,backstabbers


Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now: My sweetheart afsha
Q: Do you want children : of cos! i love kids
Q: Do you smile often : yeah..
Q: Do you like your hand-writing? : sometimes..need to change a bit,cause it looks small
Q: Are your toenails painted: No
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: of course my bed
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: white stripe blue
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: having my dinner
Q: I can't wait till : the big days
Q: When did you cry last: last 3 weeks..miss my syg sgt2
Q: Are you a friendly person: yes
Q: Do you have any pets? ; fish n cat..
Q:Do you sleep with the TV on? : Sometimes
Q:What are you doing right now? :doing dis survey thingy..
Q:Have you ever crawled through a window? :NO
Q:Can you handle the truth? : yeah...
Q:Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?:i think i have but dont know where..
Q: If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? : somewhere quiet..breezy..
Q:What is your room like: Blue and white
Q:What's right beside you:Laptops,My phone
Q:What is the last thing you ate: kinder bueno
Q:Will u tag : my dear

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


antara junk email yang berada dlm inbox ku..motifnyer..xder keje..huahuahua.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya SACRIFICE!! LoL

Wish Everyone Happy eid Adha, Safe Journey,Always remember Love ones!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

From Me To You

One look
One smile
One touch
One embrace
One kiss
One love
Two people
Two minds
Two souls
Two destinies
One road
One journey
One ending


Sunday, November 22, 2009

~Spiral Spagethi~

hey what`s up peeps.. its me again farid..huhuhu..this time aku nak citer pasal cooks lak,orait here it is,berperang selama 45 minit at kitchen inilah hasilnyer..~Spiral spagethi the name given.haa.. inila yang aku masak for tonite dinner, simple,light and fast.

Ingredient : daging cincang or (mints meat),mushroom,onion,spagethi and of coz for the ketchup me using the preggo pasta sauce with musroom.Duration 45 minute!! so this is the simple dish which prepared by me. So lets enjoy!! cube untuk menajamkan skill..muahahaha..

P/s: kalo korang nak rasa or get the receipe give me a call..muahahaha..(cam celebrity la plaks.. ahakss.. anyway this is several pic yg sempat aku snap..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

:::On Drugs:::

Tajuk ala2 macam menagih dadah je kan? Well, i am. At least for this few days. Dengan demam yang ala2 on off ni, kena la rajin2 makan ubat. Macam-macam color plak tu. Ada color putih, ada yang hijau ada juga yang disolve bila masukkan dalam air.

To tell you the truth, bab2 ubat nih farid lagi suka kalau consume liquid. Hatta kelat macam mana sekali pun, rela. Sebabnya kalau yang tablet bila tiba2 dia pecah dalam mulut...Aiyooo! Kenot tahan wooo... Maybe masalah penerimaan mental je camtu kot. Walhal sama je.ekekekke..

ok back to the story,Ekceli this thing happens for the past two weeks,balik dari work, me dah rasa tak sedap badan. Seram2 sejuk jadinya. Bawa ke petang sikit, langit2 plak sakit. Dah mula bersin2.

Pegi keja pagi, menggigil kesejukan. Balik keje singgah ngeteh, tekak rasa payau2, pahit2. Minum soluble segelas. Balik rumah rasa ngantok sangat2. sms dengan dearest,terus tido ngan selimut double layer ngan comforter. Masih sejok.

Bangun pagi, dahi pun panas. Mandi, rasa lega. Telan lagi segelas soluble.Pergi breakfast, hingus jernih mula keluar. Mata berat lagi. Kepala cam nak senget. Tapi takper..


but now rasa cam dah ok skit,semakin sehat rasa badan ni. Sebagai kesannya, mengidam rasa nak makan Nasi Ayam Hainan...err...Maggie Curry...ermm...Choc Stroberi Cake? Muahahah...apakah? Gilalah! Selera naik mendadak ni. Blame it on drugs. Muahahaha!

p/s : nak minum vitagen, antibodi saya lemah. Harap2 bukan demam 'itu' yang mengganggu.Thanks for all your prayer.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


arini mata sebelah kanan rasa sakit sgt..adeh..napew nie..if x ok jugak kena pegi jumpa doc nie,dah la minggu ini minggu sibuk,tambah lak banyak sangat yang difikirkan,perasaan yang tidak menentu..adeh..hopefully everything will go off.. minggu depan nak g celebrate birthday orang tersayang.hmmm..hopefully everything goes well..amin..

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Chicken Macroni Vegetable Soup

Ni lah my dinner for tonite,Well today after coming back from work,kepala rasa pening2 then my aunty call suggest nak masak,so after talking on da phone we plan to cook soup,so inilah hasil nyer selama 40 minutes cook, i call it as Chicken Macroni Vegetable Soup. Ingredients dier senang jer : Chicken,Potatoes,Brocoli,Vegetables,Macroni and Kiub.So dump everything..dan inilah hasilnyer..

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

~im really sad~ :((

1 years 9 Month back ;
Don't even know why I still shed my tears down for her even it had been for awhile. Don't even know why I made a birthday card for her even deep down inside I know that she wouldn't care about it. Don't even know why I still can't get over her although 1 year had passed. Don't even know why I still care to asked about her everytime I call her. Don't even know why is it so hard to move on from her.

Few months back ;
Don't even know why i still called her whenever i feel sad or when I was on the hard time. Even she don't know have any idea why i call,her voice that can make smile and shut away my pain. Don't even know why is she only who can make me happy and really makes my day, don't even know why I feel miserable.

Present ;
Don't know why I still feel scared although I know she had done the very best of her for me, don't even know why I tend to hurt this feelings real bad while I had promise myself that I wanna make her happy, don't even know what to do anymore when everything's just messed up, and don't even know wether she would forgive me once again, or might not.

All i know is, no matter what happen, she will always remain in my heart, and when I say that I love and miss her so much, I really mean it from the bottom of my heart. I really wanna thank her for always making me happy and i wish we could be together once again. I loved her once, I love her now and I'll always gonna love her till my last breath.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

~A Text From sumone~

Hey there peeps..its me again..i have a new story to share..actually thre is a story,its about my life and a girl i known,actually this girl i known from a good friend on mine,she`s working in kuala lumpur,at first we met things looks fine,we going out for several of time,but as u all know not every story ending with happiness rite..

ok here the story first we use to go out,things quite seem ok for me untill i was assign to seek for a new project,went outstation and so on,so as for me..really bz with all my werk,which i have to limit my spending time out with all my frenz and including her,i admit there was a silence from me for sumtime,so this is where the nightmare begin,she said that where have u gone without telling her,call or sms.actually is not that i trying to avoided her or sumting,honestly said all my frenz said that im dissapearing without telling, but i do let all my fren know where am i even not all of them know or seem to be bothered.ok back to the stories she said that she calls me and her calls was unattend or been she feels like she been left alone.i told her that i been bz,is not forgetting her or sumting.but lately we can say that we are not like lasttime which we can smile,chat, turns into a fight which i really dont like and makes me feels very piss off sumtime.she keep telling me 'whats our status,whats my feeling to her??"so tell me peeps,should i answer that question after being spending time with her and told her what happen to me which really makes me scared to fall in love again..

she said that action speaks louder than words,yes i do agree and im sure u all with i did tell her..give me time and i really need a time to forget all those sad things which is still bothering till today..but what do u things if everytime she calls and asking the same question and quarell about this little things,answer me peeps...well at last i receive a text 'Sorry for everything,Xpe u xpayah jawab lg soalan bodoh i from me,its clearly u take me as a friend kan??I minta maaf..Jangan cari ****** lg pasni" and i was like kind of blur,what did i do wrong, i never said anything and i assume that was last text from i only can say im sorry too,mybe things doesnt workout bettween us.

At last i wish her Happy Ramadan and Sorry for everything.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My New Girlfriend Application ( Ver.09 )

Girlfriend Application Form
Your Details
Now say that in a language a guy understands:
Hair Length:
Hair Colour:
Body eg. athletic, slim:
Eye Colour:
Do we know eachother:
If not, why:
Are you attracted to me:
If not, why:
If so, what attracts you to me:
Do you consider yourself to be attractive or hot:
Are you a beautiful person inside and out:
Do you want a family of your own:
Are you highly sexual:
What would you do
if you saw me with another girl:
if you picked up my phone and saw msg's from other girls:
if my friend tried to get with you:
would you tell me:
if somebody I knew was seriously hurt:
if somebody close to me died:
if I told you that I quit my job:
if I told you I had to go to court:
if somebody told you they saw me dancing with a girl in a club:
What do you want
in a boyfriend:
in life:
in a career:
in a family:
in your relationship with your friends:
If I were really sick what would you do:
If I needed you straight away would you come:
If the police asked you questions about me would you lie:
If I told you we need a break what would you say:
Do you's:
Do you think you would be a good girlfriend:
Do you think we would get along:
Did you like filling out this survey:
Girls Re-post this as the boyfriend application, changing all female stuff

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Outing Session with all my little sister

mamam2 juga sambil fb..hehehe..
me and yeyen 2nd Sis
me.Loly,and BB (1st sis and 3rd sis)
Yeyen and BB (My both Lovely sis)
Yeyen yg lapar.. (2nd sis)
BB (3rd sis) yg paling happening..Muka gumbira dpat mkn..

Yeyen lagi..
Loly( gengster ni x padan dengan kecik)
MCD @ Bangsar is la wajah2 my little sister..all of them jauh sgt2 stay in sabah,so once day all here..we dont miss out the chance to do outing together,here is several picture taken..waduh..waduh..abisi gue kena blanja diorang..but anyway its fun,skali skala spending on all of them dah pun balik ke sabah..huhuhu..cedih..cedih..anyway as a big brother,wishing all of them study hard and smart..~Love u all~

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Super duper sunday!!!!

Cd Bersama bola fink kaler nyew..
best frenz..Me,Aziah,Cd,Adah

me and CD

muke seorang champion yg cute :P

Aziah and Adah

~ hMMMM...Xtvt 4 dis time..Bowlink...Hukk3.. Orglain yg ajak orglain yg menang...hahahaha.. ~ HuHuHu...ReTi kew x kew hentam jew laaa kan..Nak katew terror sgt tuh xdew strike ~ Padew yg gelak2 kan nih haaa gasak laaa mak ranking taw... ;p ~ Gelakkan laa lagik eh...kitew tgk sapew yg kenew..muahahaahahaa... ~ Have a great time with Adah - Yana - N CD....Luv Ya All.... =)) PeaCe !!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sepetang bersama Facebookers JayBee and KL

fiza,cd and me
bro razak my,me,fiza,Kay marina

pic session

tok nujum sampai terbaring

fiza khusyuk mengupload video

matahari,kay marina and fiza
picture session 2
ish..ish..kuat nyer makan.. :)
cd and fiza
normas fazly tok nujum and imran masadi
fiza and birthday gurl kay marina
picture shoot 3
picture shoot 4
aksi candid terbaik fiza
borak2 sambil facebook
18 july 2pm, 50 Facebook members from Johor arive here in KL, here is all the picture facebook members gath from jb and kl,makan2 di pelita klcc,then the action continue at Flamingo bowling centre.Suasana memang meriah,dah macam2 aksi and gelagat,anyway there all memang best and very sporting,tambah plak ader birthday gurl..mmg happening that day.. :)