Sunday, September 13, 2009

~im really sad~ :((

1 years 9 Month back ;
Don't even know why I still shed my tears down for her even it had been for awhile. Don't even know why I made a birthday card for her even deep down inside I know that she wouldn't care about it. Don't even know why I still can't get over her although 1 year had passed. Don't even know why I still care to asked about her everytime I call her. Don't even know why is it so hard to move on from her.

Few months back ;
Don't even know why i still called her whenever i feel sad or when I was on the hard time. Even she don't know have any idea why i call,her voice that can make smile and shut away my pain. Don't even know why is she only who can make me happy and really makes my day, don't even know why I feel miserable.

Present ;
Don't know why I still feel scared although I know she had done the very best of her for me, don't even know why I tend to hurt this feelings real bad while I had promise myself that I wanna make her happy, don't even know what to do anymore when everything's just messed up, and don't even know wether she would forgive me once again, or might not.

All i know is, no matter what happen, she will always remain in my heart, and when I say that I love and miss her so much, I really mean it from the bottom of my heart. I really wanna thank her for always making me happy and i wish we could be together once again. I loved her once, I love her now and I'll always gonna love her till my last breath.

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